Guys, I’m a mom of a 4-year-old. Who let me be a parent? And how did I survive this long? Our little one has become obsessed with pokemon for over a year now. She is probably all caught up on the episodes as well. She knows all the songs and knows a lot more monsters than I do (though that’s not a very hard feat). When I asked her what kind of party she wanted, she straight up said Pokemon and Pikachu. So that’s what she got. And that is my gift to her. Like most working moms who don’t have time to plan these elaborate party…I threw money at the situation. For the second year in a row, we chose Busy Bees as our venue. They are so great. You can host a private party, all you do is drop off the decorations and the food, they set everything up for you so that you can enjoy and spend time with your guests.
For decorations, I literally just bought mylars from Amazon, and then everything else including the goodies from Etsy and Party City. BOOM. Someone else can do all the crafting. Don’t judge me. But I did make all the food. Since the party was at 9 am (sorry friends!) I decided to go with a brunch menu. The menu is as follows:
- Fresh cut fruit: Watermelon, pineapple, strawberries, and grapes. No garbage fruit in my mix (I’m looking at you honeydew)
- Veggie Platter: Storebought
- Mini water bottles + Juice boxes (Thanks Costco for existing)
- Bacon, Egg and Cheese toast cups (Martha Stewart always holding it down)
- Spinach and Mushroom quiche (for my vegetarian friends)
- Mini pancakes (for mini people)

Then this awesome Pokeball cake and cupcakes from my friend Diem. She’s the greatest. She stayed up late the night before like I did. What a trooper.
I essentially catered a whole brunch thing for 60 people with no sous chef. Living in Alexandria did have its perk. Friends would pop over and lend a helping hand before. Chop things here and there, flip pancakes, wash fruit. But this time…no sous chef. Cooking solo, (though hubs tried to help, but he was keeping the kid busy and worked on the goodie bags, which he normally does when I’m cooking and I’m so thankful for) I was up until midnight. All I know is that I’m probably not going to do this again. But I should probably start planning out her 5th birthday now…
Thanks for everyone that came out to wish our little girl a happy birthday. She had an amazing time. Leave me some 5th birthday party ideas in the comments if you got any, mama needs it!
It was an amazing party! 😀 you’re a super momma